Thursday, June 18, 2009

KATE, KATE, KATE, KATE... All I can say is stop watching as show that allows a mother of 8 kids to abuse her children. I stopped watching the show a long time ago. It doesn't spend the majority of the time on the kids. It is all about the parents. God is definitely not high priority with this family. Kate is full of hate. She doesn't even get along with her own family, so why would viewers believe anything that comes out of her mouth. Her mouth is full of criticism, selfishness, etc., which is nothing like she portrays to other Christians and the media. I feel so sorry for the kids. The show is suppose to be about bringing up kids in a normal environment. All they get is nothing but sewage from their mother's actions and mouth. BELIEVE ME... HER PUNISHMENT IS COMIING. THE BIBLE SAYS... VENGENCE IS MINE SAITH THE LORD. KATE WILL REAP WHAT SHE IS SOWING. SO WILL JON. GOD HAD A PLAN TO BLESS THIS FAMILY AND HE HAS. THE PARENTS ARE SO SELFISH AND MONEY HUNGRY THAT THEY FORGET TO EVEN SAY A BLESSING OVER A MEAL. THE PUBLIC IS OUTRAGED OVER KATE'S ACTIONS. I COULDN'T BELIEVE TLC SHOWED ONE OF THE GIRLS NAKED. THAT WAS WENT I SAID ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I KEEP UP ONLINE, BUT I CAN'T STAND TO WATCH THE ABUSE. I THINK TLC WILL BE SUED AT SOME POINT. I THINK ALL US MOMS AND GRANDMOTHERS SHOULD PROTEST AND PETITON FOR SOMEONE TO INVESTIGATE ALL THE ISSUES THAT WOULD BE CONSIDERED CHILD ABUSE. THESE CHILDREN NEED TO BE CHILDREN. WHY IS IT THAT THEIR PARENTS GET TO BE THE FOCUS OF THE SHOW AND GET TO TRASH IT IN FRONT OF THE VERY STARS OF IT. NO KIDS AND THIS WOULD BE OVER. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hope for Christian Parents and Children

Please pray for the Gosselins so they may turn from their LOVE of money and fame and get back to the business of being full time parents and Christian examples to their children. The Bible says that the Love of money is the root of all evil, not money is the root of all evil. It is not wrong to have a lot of money if you are blessed to have it through hard work or inheritance, however, it is wrong to put money first in your life and lust for it. Also, using your children for financial gain is plain wrong. This family needs our prayers. Kate has a long way to go before she can be the example of a Christian mother to her children and to America. We must ask ourselves if we watched this show, would we see Christ in Kate and Jon by watching their actions. They signed up with God to be a witness to the world. Since the Gosselins claim they are Christians and speak at churches all the time, then they have accepted God's call to show others how to be a Christian and live for Christ by words and actions. If you speak in churches on how to be a good Christian and get paid very well, then you certainly should have humility and practice what you preach. The Bible says you should treat your family like God treats the church. I have never seen this family pray together in their home much less talk about Christ to their kids on camera or even say a blessing at the table. What a fantastic opportunity they could be as Christians than to show by example the love Christ has for all of us. That is not to say they don't, but I haven't seen this type of humility and grace. Christ expects us to show and teach this to our Children and the world.

As Christian parents, Kate and Jon have a responsibility to God and themselves to lead their children into Christianity by living and setting a good Christian example. If they visit churches and accept money for speaking, as well as make money on their book, then the money they get in excess over their normal living and other expenses should be donated to the church or other nonprofits to help other families who need food, water and the Gospel. There are so many families hurting. I haven't seen on the show the desire to teach their kids it is better to give than to receive. They present, in my opinion, that more for themselves is better than more for starving people. I may have missed seeing episodes other than a handful that promoted Christianity, faithfulness and love. Living in a mansion should be a disgrace if this family of Christians could make a way for starving and sick kids to have medicine, clothing and food and shelter, than living in a smaller house and giving to people in need. Imagine the impact they could have as reality TV Christian parents to promote their faith and guidance to their children and America. The Duggers do it. Kate shows and teaches their children to belittle and make fun of their dad Jon. Jon needs to step up and be counted as a Christian parent who demands more respect than he gets. The Bible says the man is the head of the household and that he should treat his wife with respect and honor. If Jon and Kate desired to make each other happier than themselves, then they wouldn't have such a division. In my opinion, Kate wants her way and doesn't want to compromise on much of anything. As a nurse, mother and wife, Kate knows she is expected to be an example to her family and to God. She goes to churches and teaches people how to be a good Christian. Why is it that on TLC she is the opposite of what she preaches most of the time. She gets donations to speak in churches for tens of thousands of dollars. Wouldn't the church be a better witness if they gave the money to a charity or needy family in these bad economic times.

It hurts me to think that the Gosselins keep so much money that could be going to help so many children and their families who truly need it. Children need a positive influence from BOTH parents. Pray that Kate will wake up and commit to the call that God has for her life as a Christian. Please pray that Jon will have the faith to lead his family in the way God expects him to. Jon should love Kate as Christ loves the church and gave his life for it. The same goes for Kate. THERE IS NOTHING THAT PRAYER CAN'T CHANGE FROM PEOPLE WHO TRULY ASK IN A HUMBLE MANNER TO CHRIST. Humility would be great medicine for this family. If you gain the whole world but lose your own soul, then you have gained nothing. Eternity is forever.

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for this couple and their precious children! These kids need parents who respect one another and are kind to each other. This family needs counseling. People have singled out Mattie (hope this is correct). She needs more alone time I think. All the kids are loved the same in God's eyes. However, some children need more individualized care than others. She needs more time from Mom and Dad. I haven't seen the kids inviting friends over or spending time over with friends. Cara and Mattie should have their own friends. Also, what happened to Kate's friends. I know there are rumors online, but she doesn't have any relatives or church friends. Since she speaks at churches, you would think she has other women in her church that she is friends with. Does anyone know if Kate has friends. To have a friend, you have to be one. Does Kate initiate any relationships within their church? For someone to be so religious, I have failed to see any Christian friends over at Jon and Kate's house. I am sorry if I sound so negative. I hope this family stays together. These kids need both parents. PRAY AMERICA!!! If you know about any of Kate's speeches, I would love to hear.